
How the blog ettiquete looked once.

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Lichess added a new feuture lol
september 27: This is what the blog ettiquete looked like once:
proof its not fake:
I will be updating as this fueture gets older at this time i cant even spell feuture and this was written on 6th of september 2021 and is gonna be updated every month An early update you can now write it in <strong>bold and other types of writing or whatever <del>and lol what is this?</del>**</strong>
october 3rd : lol has been a month and now i know how to spell feature.
november 2nd forgot about this blog lol
december 2nd i forgot to update this again lool so anyways the blog ettiquette looks different now
2022 january 3rd 2022 forgot again haha
march 9:me so dumb lololol i skipped 2 whole months
april 8th i forgot once again and somehow i spelled skipped as SKILLED probably me mispelling and autocorrect autocorrecting it

May 21st: as usual i forgot about it and this is an attempt to make it look more 'organized'.
June 13th: BRUH

July 8th:Well actually I probably will update this sometime every month not the first day of the month.
August 6th: Oooooh 8 months for this year already... next month this blog would be one year old.
October 11th: OOF I forgot to update it on the 27th.This blog is more than a year old now.
December 30th: Shoot I forgot to update for 2 months LOL anyways 2023 is in 2 days so yeah.
january 8th 2023!!!!:omg so now its 2023
February 24th: Almost skipped a month.Either way still the Rus-Ukr war is still on.Going for more than a year now.Anyways, I would've been 2 grades older next month than the year of writing the first update on the blog.

March 2nd: Tryna be more organized now lol.Let's see if bird flu starts an outbreak.
April 3rd: Ooooof no outbreak but Top G on house arrest now. Anyways I'm 2 grades higher than I was when i wrote the first line of the blog.
May 2nd: Ok I'm way more organized now
than I was a year back. Anyways, summer holidays have FINALLY started.
June 1st: Finally vacation. But the dedication I got for 2 years to keep updating this every month tho haha.
July 3rd: oof boring school
August 3rd: Next month this blog is gonna be 2 years old!!!
September 11th: nahh this blog gettin real old. its 2 years old now.
October 1st: At this point I really don't know what to write
November 3rd: ya hya
December 6th: Somehow 2024 in less a month
January 3rd: Yeah it's 2024 now.
March 11th: forgot to update for 1 month .
April 6th: Still haven't forgotten about it after like 2 and a half years
May 1st: Yeahhh summer holidays again!
June 1st: keeping my streak going