
Tea or Coffee

@Mrchess78 said in #12:
> A "Teoffee", as a portmanteau idea. :).
It would be really caffeinated lmao
I am a confessed caffeine addict. I now drink 1 or 2 cups of coffee each day, but at one time it was in the range of 8 to 12. Now I just have my cup in the morning while I read/do lesson prep, and maybe a second if I am still at a desk at noon.

Tea is for the afternoons. I'm fortunate, I live in China. A wide variety of teas are readily available. A little less caffeine, more soothing rather than stimulating. Pu'er for choice, but jasmine flower, oolong, they are nice once in a while.

Evenings are for beer or wine. And those I've been drinking less of the past few years.

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