
Was my draw good for a 1400

Well I don't think offering draw in that much early stage and that to by mutual agreement where you offered the draw wasn't good....... Well btw you played good but I didn't like that early draw.........!
Thanks I was just kinda scared to play more cause my opponent was 2000 rated I would have lost if I played more
It was casual. Rating should not worry you, or really even be taken into account. Chess should be enjoyed, not taken way too seriously about losing. Also, there is no fear in losing matches, that it how you improve, "learning from your mistakes".

Your position wasn't too bad as well :) Perhaps following up with moves like Bb7 and Ng6 would be good
i think your opening was a bit too defensive for the most part - retreating your knights to the 2nd rank where they block your bishops

on move 7 you had no reason to retreat your knight, you could have played something that would fight for the center, like d4.

besides, it was a casual game, and you should have fought on! you didn't have a reason to offer the draw.
@ritviksihs_41265 You were scared to play because your opponent was higher rated than you.
This is a critical thing to understand. Chess is about so much more than winning. It is about discovering and learning.
You might lose, but a loss is a chance to learn. View a game against a strong player as a huge opportunity and a privilege, rather than an unfortunate pairing.
"Chess is about so much more than winning. It is about discovering and learning."

Yeah. About all the various ways to win.
what should I answer when the game is in 10 moves, so also by correspondence where is the debut database available?

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