
Cheater caught, points refunded

Haha, yes , if i was a cheater the first thing i would do would be to join the CIA team .
I think a good chunk of the players i have suspected have been members there , lol.
The absolute best way you can get involved in catching engine users is to report them with clear, well-informed reports that include your thoughts on SPECIFIC games and or moments. Public shaming does more harm than good, and reports that contain no information to go on or links to games that have not been analyzed and thought through by the user first are usually dismissed out of hand.

You cannot volunteer to be a moderator - we offer the position to those who have proven themselves! ;)
#14 If lichess would make it's cheat metrics visible to all it could go a long way into helping people make informed reports. I skip all those who cheat but skip some engine tactics because I know they wont get flagged.

For example, I reported several less obvious players, but one of the most obvious ones was, at least twice, both times it went ignored.

Not only is it super obvious just from looking at his games, but the guy was in another chat saying he was doing it, how he was doing it, and even named his account after the engine he used. He skips a few engine tactics, he's free to cheat.

So when you say "informed reports", what else do you want? I can't teleport behind the guy to film him doing it, I don't own a samurai sword and don't watch anime.

Cheaters have found ways to bypass mod filters - such as using engines selectively or deliberately taking time on moves they already have from engines - only in bad situations - i have seen players playing like a 1400 in one half of the game and like a 2500 in another - often winning from losing positions.

Lichess mods do not have the time to figure this out - they just follow set patterns & consequently many cheaters get away with it...

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