
I hate chess.

Some tactics have special names, e.g. "hook and ladder trick" or "hit and run tactic".

Blunders normally don`t have names, except one special blunder. The "Oh no my queen" blunder. Happens sometimes when something attacks your queen and you simply miss it.

P.S. Damn, I forgot where I read this name first. :-) :-)
@Bishop1964 said in #11:
> @CheerUpChess-Youtube
> Some tactics have special names, e.g. "hook and ladder trick" or "hit and run tactic".
> Blunders normally don`t have names, except one special blunder. The "Oh no my queen" blunder. Happens sometimes when something attacks your queen and you simply miss it.
> P.S. Damn, I forgot where I read this name first. :-) :-)

What he did has a name: Unsound hope chess bullet tactic.
Oh man, this title makes me sad. Hang in there. We're all learning.
Join the club! Certainly the playing like a tw&t and losing bit. Fries my brain.
The position was semi-salvagable.At end of the line you have a knight and two pawns for a rook.You have a third pawn but that does not count since it's doubled.)
I wonder if any super GM 2700+ FIDE have actually grown to hate chess and now they do it because of career or sunk cost reasons. They would never say it for similar sunk cost and career reasons.
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@Bishop1964 said in #7:
> I guess you were still in hyperbullet mode ?

I remember many years ago when I met this guy who had a huge collection of chess stuff, clocks, sets and books. He sold me my first clock and official tournament set. On those day I was obsessed with chess, and I liked playing 5 and 10 min games a lot. This guy beat me in every single game we played. But that is not the point. He told me that one should play more classic games than blitz or rapid, because fast games conditions the player to go too fast in classic games. This made sense. However playing fast games can give you an insight of the common mistakes one tends to commit. And this mistakes come from lack of patterns insight. of course is impossible to know all patterns there are in chess which I guess could be in the billions. He advised to review my blunders as much as I could. In the end I quit chess for more than 20 years. It was driving me crazy.
@ElZhuley said in #19:
> I remember many years ago when I met this guy who had a huge collection of chess stuff, clocks, sets and books. He sold me my first clock and official tournament set. On those day I was obsessed with chess, and I liked playing 5 and 10 min games a lot. This guy beat me in every single game we played. But that is not the point. He told me that one should play more classic games than blitz or rapid, because fast games conditions the player to go too fast in classic games. This made sense. However playing fast games can give you an insight of the common mistakes one tends to commit. And this mistakes come from lack of patterns insight. of course is impossible to know all patterns there are in chess which I guess could be in the billions. He advised to review my blunders as much as I could. In the end I quit chess for more than 20 years. It was driving me crazy.

Thank you, this is the best answer yet. It is exactly the problem. I played too much blitz and rapid in my life. This has cost me the game. And many others like this one.

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