
Free Tournament Broadcasting with ChessCam

Does the recognition occurs locally on the machine recording the game? Or does it send the video data to a server that runs the recognition algorithm?
@HugoSouza said in #11:
> Does the recognition occurs locally on the machine recording the game? Or does it send the video data to a server that runs the recognition algorithm?

The recognition occurs locally. This way your data is protected, and you can use the app offline :)
I tried it some days ago, but found it quite difficult to use on a little smartphone.
Couldn't mark the edges properly and the automatic detection doesn't work out for a proper move-detection.
Where is the option to zoom in btw?
@JustAnotherLemonTree said in #16:
> I tried it some days ago, but found it quite difficult to use on a little smartphone.
> Couldn't mark the edges properly and the automatic detection doesn't work out for a proper move-detection.
> Where is the option to zoom in btw?

Try using your phone in landscape mode ? That worked for me.