
The rich

@yahgoled said in #9:
> I'm poor yet deadly rich
Oh you mean in mind,yeah that doesn't pay the bills, unfortunately. The distribution of wealth has to change if we are to survive xxx
@SOJB said in #11:
> Oh you meanie!
yeah that does it:
if we survive: XXX.

I honestly never thought of it that way before, but your right. Tell me more, young lady.

PS.. I also meant although I have no disposable income, yet I am amused to death, caught up with worldly "whoa", cluttered with trinkets, amuck amid the maze, soo good looking and tall.. it's just tragic really.
It's Gods money it's only on loan to the rich, they are in for the shock of their lives when 'It' happens xxx and it will happen people xxx
I really really really suggest you share the wealth, those that can hear xxx
@Shreksify said in #6:
> @SOJB Its for buying a BUGATTI! Wait I'm sorry what color is your BUGATTI?

I believes she drives an invisible Koenigsegg.
But my intel could be outdated.
@SOJB said in #1:
> If money isn't for sharing, then what's it for? I don't understand rich people
Well maybe then I can sit here all day and when my friend becomes a millionaire, I'll say sharing is caring! Now give me 80% of your money! :)
@LittleJennyWren said in #16:
> Well maybe then I can sit here all day and when my friend becomes a millionaire, I'll say sharing is caring! Now give me 80% of your money! :)
Ay? That makes no sense? Billionaires im talking about the 7% of people that own 3 quarters of the world's wealth you surely can't be agreeing that this is a sharing caring society , this is bull plop what's going on I mean totally and utterly effing ridiculous
@SOJB said in #17:
> big long message

No, I'm not saying that anyone here has ever shared before, I'm saying, if you're wish was to come true, I could claim most of my friends hard earned livings under peer pressure and the sharing-is-caring-and-you-are-an-abuser-if-you-do-not-give-me-all-your-money law! :D
People often do share their wealth, even when not rich. Tithing, charity, helping out friends/family/community. You could also consider volunteer work as an equivalent exchange of sharing wealth.

You might consider rephrasing the question to: Why don't billionaires contribute more to the betterment of the impoverished? The answer is probably something like: They could, but there are very few billionaires out there and they wouldn't be able to put a dent in fixing poverty. Governmental wealth redistribution programs (e.g. medicare, medicaid, social security, etc) are primarily funded by taxing the middle class.
@SOJB said in #1:
> If money isn't for sharing, then what's it for? I don't understand rich people

If you SOJB analyze with true sincerity the relation between SOJB and questions about monetary richness, you're gonna see that in the bottom of your heart it lies the envy.

This is a recurring (and not natural but induced) behavior that happen to liberals, they easily embrace what I call "the gospel of envy". Your thoughts are on the others and not in yourself. Instead of searching ways to become a better person, to help people with some inovation and consequently becoming richer, you are too busy wanting to take some portion from the well succeded.
The sad part is that these kind of people truly believe the other is the wrong guy, while they are only nice guys looking for justice, they don't realize how subverted this way of thinking of dividing instead of creating and multiplicating is; even sadder is to realize that the more they pray the gospel of envy, the more the fake dogmas solidify in their mind.

The rich people in turn have the hard mission of not becoming a lost servant of their money, but this is their personal problem, this is none of our business.

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