
How to beat lower rated player?

You are right i do
that's why i am thinking what could i do to win more frequently to lower rated players?
Any tips?
Play on Zen mode. Probably you aren't taking weaker opponents as seriously as stronger ones, and are taking more risks or playing sloppily. On Zen mode you don't see the rating until after the game, so you will take each game equally seriously regardless of your opponent's rating.

Set your filter to only play people that are equal or better.
This way you are always challenging yourself to improve.

This is the type of chess player that you're finding tough to beat.

Others, who are playing people 100 lower than themselves, are often easier competition.


a) there are people at your rating that touched it for the first time and will never reach it again.
b) there are people at your rating that have been there since colour TV was only for rich people
c) there are people at your rating that won't ever see it again as they continue to progress.

The people who are rated 100 points higher than you, that are willing to play against you, are probably like the "b)" in the above example.

"c)" can often make short work of these types, even being "100 points lower".

Anyone intentionally and routinely playing only people that are 100-200-300 points lower than themselves, have an inflated rating.

The person that is "100 points better than you", actually isn't.

The person who is "100 points less than you", who wants to use you to cut his teeth, that is the kind of chess player that intimidates the lesser elements within the community.

You are describing the difference between a ferocious chess player, and a poser who is here for empty wins instead of substance.
Thanks onyx for describing everything
I will try your suggestion to Set my filter to only play people that are equal or better.
I also lose more points to weaker players than to stronger ones. But I know my weakness is that most of the time I am not focused on the game.
"Set your filter to only play people that are equal or better."
If everyone does this, you won't be able to play them, since they don't see you anymore...

Moreover, if you lose many points against a much lower rated players, you can always try to gain them against a much higher rated player ;)

Out of the joke, simply put the same effort and concentration with every player.

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