
plz help!!!!

@srinikamathur said in #70:
> He's lying! That's the truth! He tormented me in my chat! I've been tryna convey this, he just wants to earn sympathy. He sent my sister a few messages, she deleted the chat, but my sis showed me the chat before deleting, it went like this:
> "You're so mean19:05
> Okay, I admit it, my parents are normal19:05
> I'll now close this acc, else you'll reveal me19:06
> Goodbye and good riddance19:06
> This conversation is blocked."
> See? Now, you can dislike my message as much as you like. Good luck.

He also called me mean and mentioned that every single person was like his parents and that friends are a waste of time and that he shall never be kind and he said that his parents are normal.
Plus I never deleted the chat! Someone else did but I don't know who!!
<Comment deleted by user>
@srinikamathur said in #70:
> He's lying! That's the truth! He tormented me in my chat! I've been tryna convey this, he just wants to earn sympathy. He sent my sister a few messages, she deleted the chat, but my sis showed me the chat before deleting, it went like this:
> "You're so mean19:05
> Okay, I admit it, my parents are normal19:05
> I'll now close this acc, else you'll reveal me19:06
> Goodbye and good riddance19:06
> This conversation is blocked."
> See? Now, you can dislike my message as much as you like. Good luck.
Looks fake
I am out of this topic now. You guys can contact @anonmod to close this forum or if you want you can even debate like how you were doing before. I am gonna read what everyone is going to say. Bye bye don't expect me to reply to this forum.

I already regret ever getting Lichess. @srinikamathur and @sriyamathur keep shoving their dislikes down my throat and are literally at my neck. EVERY single thing I post ends with a dislike and a bloody stab in the back from them. I'm already drowned. I've had enough. The only reason why I'm still here is for my girlfriend and chess. @KenulL_76 is truly an amazing person. Thank you for your support, man. @srinikamathur and @sriyamathur you guys need a time out or something. Like seriously. I can already predict who disliked my post without even hovering over the thumb down with like a 99.5% chance I'm correct: it's the two of you again. My patience is almost at its breaking point. Please, let's just stop writing in here and go our own ways. We'll never change each other's minds so what's the point? It'll be better for everyone's mental and psycological health.

@Chessmates4ever said in #78:

You know you can ignore them, right? It's not that hard, I've been there before.
But what you said at the end is true, though. It is better if this topic gets closed so we can end this argument.
None of us will benefit from an argument that will never end.

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