
Did AI replace your job already?

If an AI took mu job I would be extremely concerned, after all I am unemployed
Was listening to a BBC report expo=plaining AI generated images is now making work harder for Special Victims Units of Police Services.

Geee it is sickening AI is even taking criminals jobs!
@Autofill said in #3:
> If an AI took mu job I would be extremely concerned, after all I am unemployed

This is what AI taking jobs will look like. It won't be people getting fired and meeting their robot worker replacement on the way out. It will be people not getting hired in the first place or not getting contracts renewed.
Well who like to do trader in stock market this is for them

Cause I think AI will take stock market
Yea I dreamed of becoming an awesome chess player but you know who took it some AI called stockfish and another called Alphazero
I have my job, and I have my work which I do in my free time.
My job needs an actual robot to do what I do, which can be done, but it hasnt happened.
My work, nah. Though I use machines that do most of the work. I just take the credit cause I turned them on.
I'm glad AI took my job, I was the "Talking clock" for 25 years. :).

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