
Request computer anaylsis not working

Request analysis stopped working suddenly, now when i click the button it just acts like i refreshed the page and analysis doesn't start. Tried on two different machines and 3 browsers.

My friend tried to do it from my machine and for him it works, is it possible that i analyzed too many games in a row and the feature got disabled?
Somebody once mentioned that there is a limit of 25 analysis per day, I believe.
And I think it is not possible to run more than one analysis at a time. At least it didn't work for me to analyze two games at the same time in different tabs.
That makes sense, would be nice to get an indication that you reached the limit for that day, now it just won't work.
The limit was raised to 30 analysis per day and per user, a couple weeks ago.
Thank you! :) good to know. Will take a while to get through all my winter marathon then.

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