
Any tips on how to get out of ‘tilt’ mode

I have already played 188 bullet games and lost 80 points today...
I feel really tilted and pissed but I just can’t bring myself to stop playing :(
It's impossible. If you understand that you need to stop but don't do it, nothing will help here. Sometimes at such moments I myself play until I get my rating back (and in the end it does not always work out and instead of -80 I can get -160) But if you no longer get pleasure from the games... Try to distract yourself with something, I think you will forget about chess. start playing tomorrow and return your rating back! or just exert your willpower, you don't want to waste time) I understand, it's difficult.
Start something even if you don't feel like to right now.
Call a friend, go out running, read a book, homework, clean your house, ..

If on your first game tomorrow you still feel in tilt/autopilot, take a few days break.
Try to learn something new (cooking, rubik's cube, crafting, ...)
"I just can’t bring myself to stop playing" Take your device and put it away! Somewhere long away so you can't easily get to it like a gym for example. (This tip also works with sugar and cigarettes). Or turn the colors to gray and dark so it's less addicting.
"Any tips on how to get out of ‘tilt’ mode"
#1 Take a deep and long breath.
#2 drink a glass of water(tepid is best).
#3 Take a really hot shower/bath and then a really cold one(It will hurt but help).
#4 Go for a run/walk.
#5 Meditate.
All that should help clean your mind.
I hope this helps:)
@shadow1414 Why you disliked? You are one who said take your device somewhere long away so you can can't easily. SO I said to throw it in the river so he can't get it easily.
Because I'm not a fan of making jokes in threads that are supposed to be serious.(Assuming you were joking)
Kind regards-shadow1414
Take a break when you feel tilted, clear your mind off chess - do anything else you like to take your mind off chess, and once you feel better, resume and see how that goes - That's what I typically do.
I only really get tilted (lose a lot of games / play well below my normal level) when I haven't gotten enough sleep. My only real advice (often to myself) is get more sleep, eat, and/or take a long break.

Something I've been doing a lot of (regardless of tilt) is the puzzle games because you can't lose rating with streak, storm, or racer. It doesn't help you shake off tilt, but at least your rating doesn't become unsalvageable.

Another thing you can try is doing another time control or variant so you don't sink any one rating too low when you aren't playing your best.

Last resort is to play people with a much lower rating (probably closer what your current tilt level is at). Sometimes a win here and there can boost your confidence.

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