
Best ways to cheat with an engine

only BOT accounts are allowed to use engine/computational/external assistance during games, unless I'm mistaken
Ok, time to close this up. This has been one big trap but It’s not going to work anymore cause the secret’s out, I think let’s just wrap it up.
@Monist said in #4:
> Cheating is unacceptable in all its forms. I think there is a need to analyse why people don't start games. A player failed to start a game against me. I had white and I had played 1. d4. I searched for a game again. The same player reappeared and started the game as white with their preferred first move. That would appear to be a way to avoid getting the unwanted color (black) or at least to avoid unwanted openings. How often are they permitted to get away with this sort of nonsense?
> If you start a game, you should play it or resign if you don't want to play it. Failing to start a game should result in a loss and a warning. The 30 seconds for first move is incredibly generous. There should be no leeway for abusing that. Failing to start a game even the first time should result in a one hour penalty before they can enter a game again. Failing to start twice in one day should result in a 1 day ban. Then escalate the bans from there. At some point a permanent ban would be appropriate.
brooo if lichess do this then it will be a disaster!!!!! like most of the people with less net are gonna get banned lichess will get emails every minute dont think everytime about cheaters just think about innocent people who can get banned with this rule
@sheckley666 said in #26:
> @spidersneedlovetoo said in #19
> So how many trapped cheaters have you relieved us all of?

On a daily basis, probably somewhere between zero and five thousand...but for sure, at least zero.

Might have had better luck if
@Cedur216 hadn't been such a wet blanket in #5.
come on, I still don't get the point in making this troll thread
the title of the forum scared me, I thought someone had bad intentions to hurt Lichess. fortunately it was ironic but apart from April 1st I don't think there is any point in having forums like this.

well, to clarify things:
all forms of cheating are FORBIDDEN on Lichess, cheating is a dishonest, harmful, and bad action.
cheating has already ruined lives and careers and especially when there is a sporting or money stake. Lichess does its best to take effective measures against cheating, Lichess tries to guarantee as much as possible a server that is a place where everyone can play friendly and honest.

Patron is in no way a protection to commit evil acts, patron wings is a donation to allow the Lichess mods team to work and improve this awesome site!

if you play against someone you suspect of cheating, use the Lichess report, the report is confidential and concerns only you and Lichess. if a person wishes to dispute a ban, there is the possibility of appealing, Lichess will consider the appeal and do the necessary.

it is useless and wrong to peddle misinformation about Lichess, even if your intentions were good and it was a joke, you must not do this again, because some may take it seriously, panic and disrupt services Lichess who are already very busy, since the joke has been discovered, I hope this forum will be closed, since it is useless to say more. greeting!

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