
I finally reached 1900


i was really happy to be an 1800 for a couple weeks myself even if it didn't stick
Congrats, can you share some knowledge on how you did it. I am 1500 blitz. Awesome achievement.
@Bukbat check my main account MixiTheKing, there is over a month invested in only blitz games.(more than 10000 games), so just play when you feel like it. After game I go to analasys board and see what things I can improve on, I check certain variations with engine, and that is my biggest source of learning. The second source are youtube videos. I would recomend Agadmator, where he goes through the games of the big masters, and my favorite games are from Michail Tal. Also there are other youtubers who are teaching theory such as Gotham chess, then there are streamers from who you can pick up some tricks and the way of thinking while playing. Finally, your goal is to enjoy the game, best of luck.
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