
1000 elo improvement

18 months ago I started playing chess seriously. Chess really helped distract me from other aspects of my life that weren't going great at the time, and many days playing was the best part of my day. 18 months ago I was 1200 in both blitz and rapid, and today I am very very happy to say that I have managed to achieve a 1000 elo increase in both rapid and blitz from my initial strength. It's been A LOT of work, but it feels great to finally see the result of all those hours. This is a day I've thought about for the last 6 months and it really is as good as I thought it would be.
You mean lichess rubber points^^

Congratulations tho, bro!
Congrats, it took me around 20 years to get the skills that I have today, and im still far from the Top Level.
When i learned chess there was no lichess .
Im happy playing my Otb club matches.
Online Chess ratings dont matter to me , because im just an amateur player.
But i wish the best to those who want to improve their game.
#4 It's Glicko-2 :^)

A round of applause for OP. Awesome performance mate 👏👏
Congrats, my man. Well deservered and good luck with the next 1000 points!

If you learn not to give away free material, know your basic endings and a little bit of opening, 2000 should be doable for everybody. 1000 FIDE/USCF points is different tho

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