
Reported a player 5 times, but he's still doing the same thing

I don't want to name the player, but let's call him X.

Player X is currently rated about 1300. His rating has ranged from 900 to 1600. Whenever I get paired with him, he just resigns immediately. I don't mind getting free rating, but after a while I found this annoying, unsporting, and frankly cheating behavior, so I reported him. With my report, I included a link to 3 games where he just resigned without moving. I then blocked him, hoping to not be paired again with player X.

But I keep getting paired with him and he (4 out of the last 5 games) has resigned without moving. Each time I've reported him again and yet, he's still in good standing with lichess.

Can we have a clear policy on this? Is deliberately and repeatedly throwing games against the rules or isn't it?
Artificial rating manipulation is against the rules:

It could be that the moderators haven't gotten to it yet, or something else, but whatever the case may be, bringing it up in the forum won't result in anything productive. You've done plenty by reporting the player you suspect of unfair play, leave the rest to the mods.
Given that the first report was 2 months ago, I don't think it's something anyone is planning to "get to"

But whatever... I guess I'll keep "winning" against this player since I can't avoid him. He does the instant resigns thing with others as well: his lowest-rated loss is against a 611-rated player. He resigned without moving.
Did he really resign or did he not move because he was absent when the game started?
are you running into this person in tournaments btw? If not just block them in the mean time and you won't get paired with them outside of tournaments
"Did he really resign or did he not move because he was absent when the game started?"

Yeah, in every case I mentioned, he had to actually hit the "resign" button without making a move. I would understand failure to start games... that happens to me every once in a while.

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