
A game I played as White in the KID

Here is the game:
I know I played the endgame very poorly(due to time pressure) but can you give some suggestions and advice about the opening and middle game?
Thank you.
You played the opening quite well. The theoretical continuation is 16 Bxa5, but your 16 Rxa5 seems OK.
31 Ra6 is no good. You threaten to win a pawn, but right now it fails to 31 Bxa8 Rxa8 32 Bxc7 Ra1#, so you could activate that threat by 31 f3 or 31 Kf1.
35 f3 leaves you with a weak e-pawn, which leads to the loss of your extra pawn. 35 f4 was strong and 35 Kf1 was better too.
To lose an endgame a pawn up is rather poor.
This being a 5+2 game, you get 2 seconds increment per move. That shoud suffice to at least not lose an endgame a pawn up.
You need no suggestions on opening or even middle game; it is the endgame that decides.

Thank you tpr, For sure 35.Kf1 or 35.f4 was best I could at least have drawed that game.
after 22 Rxb5 I really like your chances at winning with the Bishop pair @Archer66 . You just slightly misplayed the endgame. Opening was fine though.
#3 You played the opening like a grandmaster, the middle game quite OK and then you lose an endgame a pawn up.
I do not blame you for not finding 35 Kf1 or 35 f4 in 2 seconds to play for a win.
Why 41 Ra6 and 42 Ra7? 41 Rc7 counterattacking h7 immediately is still enough to draw. OK 2 seconds, but an active move attacking a pawn is always better that a move that does nothing.
You would surely benefit from a book on rook endings.
Thanks @tpr for the feedback. The thing is I do know about Rook endings but I panicked that was the problem. IN classical or Rapid I would have found that move quite easily.
There is a difference between knowing and knowing. Knowing with 2 minutes on the clock is different from knowing with 2 seconds. Endgames come at the end of the game, so usually you are low in time. You have to know the endgame in the sense that you instantly, intuitively get to the right move. 35 Kf1 or 35 f4 are hard to find in 2 seconds. 41 Rc7 should be automatic.
By the way, a lot of valuable contributions are provided in the analysis. Besides you can consult a database. I guess most Black KID players are not inclined to stop the unstoppable attack with a further-weakening & cooperative ... b6. Even an immediate c4-c5! looks promising.

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