
Search "user:ArtofDefeat"

183 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Never Give Up!#5

You do you, I'll do me. I give up when dinner is ready earlier than I expected, when I realize I have to take a dump, when the position looks hopeless and annoying, and just in general, WHEN I FEEL LI…

General Chess Discussion - Is it okay two create two accounts?#16

I made a new account when I lost the info for the first account. For whatever reason, I couldn't recover it. Ancient long abandoned email perhaps. Its been a year or two since then. Point being, that …

General Chess Discussion - Why is everyone so mean spirited?#8

If you mean your posts, its topic related. If you describe your training and ask for suggestions, that almost always gets a lot of helpful responses. If you pick a topic that is more controversial lik…

General Chess Discussion - Should we have a preference on the next Chess World Champion?#9

I think its clear everyone should root for Ding to recover from the yips or wtf he has going on in time to prepare. No one wants a world champion that beat a wrecked shell of a former great. Without k…

General Chess Discussion - Congratulations Gukesh!#18

@lizani said in #11: > The time control was definitely an issue and yet another example of FIDE blundering without a clue. Every top level classical chess event has an increment and that's what everyo…

General Chess Discussion - Congratulations Gukesh!#2

I'm sure they are excited, but its a weird situation. He is only 17, and wasn't the Indian player with the best odds (Pragg) or long-time fans (Vidit). Pre-tourney, almost no one thought he was ready.…

General Chess Discussion - Candidates tournament: who are you rooting for and why?#55

@esmiro said in #53: > @ArtofDefeat > > He's not very funny (very few chess players are) but his game analysis are very valuable, and his editor has a good sense of humor. That's why I watch him from …

General Chess Discussion - Candidates tournament: who are you rooting for and why?#51

I haven't seen Hikaru be disrespectful, but he doesn't really teach, and I don't find him very entertaining either. I have trouble understanding why his streams are so popular. I guess because he is t…

General Chess Discussion - Candidates tournament: who are you rooting for and why?#32

Naka - tough to root for given the "I'm a streamer fist and just here to play interesting chess" attitude Nepo - tough to root for given that he has failed several times and also has curiously bad tim…

General Chess Discussion - Candidates tournament: who are you rooting for and why?#27

Alireza is 20, a grown-ass man, so he doesn't get to blame daddy. Throwing a hissy fit over being politely asked to try and walk softer is a loser move. Blaming that for his loss is like blaming the r…
