
5 Ways to Make Money with Chess

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Just 5 ways? Five more ways ...
Create chess pieces, chessboards or books;
Film or take photos for the events;
Rent space for the events;
Chess can be like a gold mine ... Raise funds for a chess tournament and take a share. Then get paid by percentage, or a flat fee or a salary by the hour. Gold prospector do it, so why not for chess.
@Toscani said in #3:
> Just 5 ways? Five more ways ...
> Create chess pieces, chessboards or books;
> Film or take photos for the events;
> Rent space for the events;
> Chess can be like a gold mine ... Raise funds for a chess tournament and take a share. Then get paid by percentage, or a flat fee or a salary by the hour. Gold prospector do it, so why not for chess.
Yeah, I absolutely agree. Specially for you, it will be more in the next blog ;)
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@NaidichArkasha I think I would add one you didn't talk about ... become a writer of chess book ..
- could be about your own games or
- chess story at local chess club or
- about your favorites chess player or
- a chess friends... or
- about some chess lesson you took and shared what you learned about it

something that is not on the market ....
- could be a novel you created it about chess
- could be some of your own story involving chess ...
- could be about a specific chess event - tournament ...
- could be a children chess book ...

You know imagination could go everywhere ... maybe something I didn't think about ...
@MagnusKasparov12 said in #8:
> @NaidichArkasha I think I would add one you didn't talk about ... become a writer of chess book ..
> - could be about your own games or
> - chess story at local chess club or
> - about your favorites chess player or
> - a chess friends... or
> - about some chess lesson you took and shared what you learned about it
> something that is not on the market ....
> - could be a novel you created it about chess
> - could be some of your own story involving chess ...
> - could be about a specific chess event - tournament ...
> - could be a children chess book ...
> You know imagination could go everywhere ... maybe something I didn't think about ...

Thank you very much for those new ideas!
Шахматист может зарабатывать тренером, если есть ученики. Но вероятность того, что они всё-таки найдутся иногда мотивирует.. пойти на фабрику