
Variants Theorists Team Announcement

ChessChess variant
Team Battle Participation Guidelines

Attention all Variants Theorists members,

In our continuous effort to uphold the spirit of unity and commitment within our team, we are implementing a new guideline regarding participation in team battles.

Effective immediately, any member of Variants Theorists who participates in team battles on Lichess without representing the team will face a temporary suspension from the team for one week.

This decision is not taken lightly; it is aimed at fostering a sense of loyalty and camaraderie among our members. We were inspired by the admirable practices of another esteemed team called THINK, and we believe that by adopting similar guidelines, we can enhance our team's cohesion and competitive spirit.

We understand that mistakes can happen, and exceptions may arise in certain circumstances. If you have any concerns or need clarification on this guideline, please don't hesitate to reach out to the team moderators.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.