
An increasingly common occurrence

@PeterPam To see all of Alireza's games, go to the titled arena tournament page and click on his name. A list of all of his games should pop up to the right of your screen.
Alireza didnt use to win the titled tournaments but is suddenly so overpowered he can post best win percentage with highest beserk. 77 percent wins and 96 percent beserk is insane.

Edit: most likely kchess uploaded alirezaa games
Can we all just take a moment to reflect that this total outscoring of such a high rated field may not be down to the fact that Mr Farouzja is such an outstanding player – that was clear long before this tournament – but rather can be taken as further evidence that the berserk system of scoring is broken?

Time odds is nothing for players of this skill level. Why is it being rewarded?
Well, for me there is a glitch, because most of the berserk games were berserk back by the opponents. And when you look at it, Alireza lost most of the games where he berserked and the opponent didn't. Make sens when you have so much more time to think at this top level of chess
I think berserk should be turned of in titled arena, because we do not see blitz chess anymore but mostly bullet

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