
Glicko 2 and 1500 provisional rating

I understand that 1500 is the default provisional rating for a new Lichess member, irrespective of experience. I'm finding that at my rating (about 1480) I am more often than not paired with a player who has recently joined and may not have much experience. I am trying hard to improve by playing members whose strength is at least stronger than mine and it's hard for me to measure progress if so many of my games are against newer players. Any thoughts on this?
@romemusic said in #1:
> I am more often than not paired with a player who has recently joined and may not have much experience

of your last 30 games, only 3 were against provisional players. one of those was in their 8th game, so their rating was not completely unkown. of the other two, you lost one, so clearly it was not a player who had little experience.

> Any thoughts on this?

yes. you are making a problem out of something that clearly isn't one.
@romemusic said in #1:
> I understand that 1500 is the default provisional rating for a new Lichess member, irrespective of experience. I'm finding that at my rating (about 1480) I am more often than not paired with a player who has recently joined and may not have much experience. I am trying hard to improve by playing members whose strength is at least stronger than mine and it's hard for me to measure progress if so many of my games are against newer players. Any thoughts on this?

you assume seeing that number next to your name going up means you improving it does not
it only helps the ego rather look at your games and see how you feel you played and how the engine says you did improve from that and not a dumb number
@romemusic said in #1:
> I understand that 1500 is the default provisional rating for a new Lichess member, irrespective of experience. I'm finding that at my rating (about 1480) I am more often than not paired with a player who has recently joined and may not have much experience. I am trying hard to improve by playing members whose strength is at least stronger than mine and it's hard for me to measure progress if so many of my games are against newer players. Any thoughts on this?

In team games this is a problem, where the result of a match may be significantly determined by which team received more newer players. In chess this is not a problem - if they are inexperienced you beat them and increase your rating, or you lose to them and learn. If they beat you then you can reasonably assume they are stronger than you, so there is no problem.

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