
Whats the minimun, centi-pawn loss you have ever got in a game?

Im interested in knowing whats, the minimun centi-pawn loss you have ever got in one of your games.

This game but otherwise I think about 8 or 9 in a real game this one was 3 btw.
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as i also was low on time and he was a CM to my 1500 so i doomed to a higher loss anyway had i not lost then and like that
Not sure if I've ever gotten zero but I wouldn't worry about it too much because paradoxically to have a cpl of zero you'd have to play worse than you would if you have solid opening theory. This is because the engine incorrectly evaluates some moves as inaccuracies that are absolute mainline moves! It's true, I often see that inaccuracy mark on the analysis board after a game, and then I look at opening explorer and it confirms I played the number one move in the Master database.
I have a few games with cpl of zero. No biggie, if your opponent blunders a piece or even the queen in the opening. Then any sensible move which secures the advantage will keep the cpl at zero.
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@YangDoHyun314 said in #8:
> its impossible for even a grandmaster to get a 10 cpl i think, because that is too close to every best move. #1 never finished his game so he received his cpl accordingly.
I think Ding Liren had a 9 centipawn loss recently. Maybe it was 12 but it's still possible for the top ten GMs.

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