
My chess is not improving

My game power is not increasing, as I lose again and again, my form decreases and it becomes annoying, I cannot go above 2300.
Bullet is not about game power, it's about fast playing power. Play slower games if you want to improve your chess. Conversely, if you aim to sharpen your abilities in bullet chess, engage in faster games and faster puzzles. You can find faster puzzles at and
What is your goal?
As mentioned above, improving your chess and improving your bullet skills are two completely different things.
I am not sure about what to do to improve at bullet. Doing some simple tactics and doing it fast I guess. And practicing bullet of course.
If you want to improve your chess, you should do basically 3 things.
1. Playing and analyzing slow games. At least 15+10, but the slower the better. Try to apply the correct thought process every move.
2. Doing tactics. Both hard, which require calculation and easy which require just pattern recognition. Puzzle streak is good for easy ones. Regular puzzles are good for hard ones. Try to calculate all the lines till the end before making the first move.
3. The tricky part. Basically learning new patterns of different kinds. Opening theory, endgame theory, some strategy, general principles, etc. Ideally you should gather some statistics and identify your weaknesses and target them.
Hope it helps.
Having no shoes might be a good way to avoid trouble with arbiters. :-)
@MrPushwood said in #4:
> "I cried because I had no shoes..." ;)
OP did not say anything like that, so what are you trying to say?
A reference to the old saying: "I cried because I had no shoes...until I saw the man who had no feet."

ie, many people never get anywhere near the OP's to me at least, his plaints have rather a hollow ring. Or (to use another old saying): "Count yer blessings."
@MrPushwood said in #7:
> A reference to the old saying: "I cried because I had no shoes...until I saw the man who had no feet."
> ie, many people never get anywhere near the OP's to me at least, his plaints have rather a hollow ring. Or (to use another old saying): "Count yer blessings."

Completely agree

Quite funny , but I was thinking if you had no feet at least you wouldn't need any shoes.
No I've not been smoking anything funny , just a thought xxx

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