
[Bug]When you select random color when creating a game, it acts like you selected black.

It's giving you black because you selected white too often. Lichess is trying to get you back to 50%.
So am I understanding this correctly that the "random colour" algorithm does not actually give you a random colour but rather selects a colour according to the current black:white ratio of both players?
Just out of curiosity - is there any random algorithm involved or is it simply if player 1 is at 52% white and player 2 is at 55% white it will allocate white to player 1?
After browsing a thesaurus for the term random. I start wondering, ... Is the formula for random side only selecting a sample of our most resent games to give us a colour?

It's nice to know that by pressing random side, we are in a way trying to equalize our own colours.

Maybe the term random side was not clear enough. How about: Equalizing colours or Side equalizer?

If games are played with the same player, than is it trying to equalize our colours so that we don't repeat the same colours more than twice in a row with that player ?
Actually this is random in the end, because if you always select white manually then 'random' always select black, and you end up playing 50/50 black/white, which is a perfect random distribution
While I appreciate being given a 50/50 ratio, is there any option to set it such that it's truly just a coin toss rather than trying to balance? This being brought to my attention I can just use and select manually, however, a disclaimer or option somewhere would be kinda nice.
The button Random Side is equalizing the numbers of black and white games.
The term Random Side needs to change to "Due colour".

Extract from Article 5 Colour Allocation:
5.1 In the first round the colour assigned to player No.1 shall be decided by drawing a lot ...
5.3 A player shall not have the same colour three times in a row.
5.4 ...
- giving both players their due colour
- equalizing the numbers of black and white games played before alternating the colours of both players regarding the first difference of their colour history going back from the previous round to the first round.
"due colour" may be a bit confusing for some people, however, equalizing "softer" over a longer period of time would be a cool idea. lets say a "white only" player would switch to random, make it uneven odds (70-30)? untill equalibrium is reached.
Sorry, #5 and partly #9, what you describe/suggest is not random.

Random means 50:50 chances of white or black, regardless of past, present or future distributions. I guess (for those pesky mathematicians) pseudo-random would be perfectly fine for lichess purposes, this is not my point.

But the situation the OP describes has nothing to do with random... Say I want to practice Caro-Kann and Dutch and therefore play 50 casual games with black, and then I go back to playing rated games with random colours - then the current "random setting" will make my learning useless by allocating white for the next 50 games (unless it is very sophisticated and makes distinctions between rated/unrated, variants etc.).

Another question - how does this allocation interfere with tournaments? I will open an extreme case... I play unrated antichess with black against a friend who is slightly weaker than myself and grant the friend white because of the advantage that comes with it in antichess. Then I play a rated rapid tournament... will lichess give me more white pieces in this tournament because of the black/white ratio??

The current situation raises more questions than it answers, so my plea is to shift to a true or pseudo-random system taking into account the rules mentioned in #8 for tournaments only.

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