
My Perfect Game

yes i read it
i know that there was some mistakes by my side but it is steel good for me
Well played. You defeated a significantly higher 300+ rated opponent with checkmate in only 22 moves. Well done... And the computer didn't register any inaccuracies, mistakes, or blunders on your side... Well done indeed... however you did not play a "perfect game". Not even Kasparov or Carlsen have played a perfect game.
I recently tried scandinavian (the very first time in my life) for positional traning purposes - with almost perfect result according to engine analysis:

I must admit, the result would be less nice without great help from my opponent, who kind of lost his head from move 13, so game ended pretty soon to my favour.
Really good game!! Fast but accurate, its the perfect game to study and make teaching class for openings, and middle game; I'm gonna save it.
@intelligentdesign #5

I would kindly like to disagree.

Lots of top GMs have played perfect games, including Kasparov and Carlsen.

And even non GMs have done so too.
@Souvik #1
Nice one. Congrats !

However, you let black play Ng4 which would have traded your dark squared bishop on e3.
Perhaps Stockfish does not mind about that, but I would, as white, find that unpleasant esp. when the kingside pawns in front of the king are so far advanced.

That is the difference between humans and chess engines :
Humans use ideas, and calculations. Chess engines use calculations mostly and some given values (e.g. bishop pair is a plus, open file control is a plus etc).

Anyway, thanks for sharing ! :)

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