
Eliminate the "Good game well played" automessage


The message only shows after losses or draws. In case of a draw, I understand that it might be offensive (for instance, if I get a lucky draw). But after losing, I think the message cannot be offensive. Even if your opponent played poorly, it still says "you played better than me and deserved to win".
@HeinrichFaust I have to politely disagree. The fact that it's automatic means that you're not really saying anything at all. I agree that it's not offensive. I guess my point is that it's not... Really anything at all. It's just something you predicide to write. the fact that you've decided to say this no matter what pretty much eliminates the meaning of it. That's why I disagree with you that it is saying "you played better than me and deserved to win."
I'm not saying it's the most terrible thing in the world to have, just noting the fact that the automatic quality of it eliminates the meaning and dulls the message.

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