
This puzzle has more than one way to checkmate the king.

I was working out this puzzle,, and I solved it by sacking the queen, but that's not how LiChess wanted me to checkmate the king. I'm not upset or anything other than someone should look at these puzzles and notice that there is more than one way to solve the puzzle. UNLESS someone can point out that sacking the queen doesn't make it a checkmate. I consider myself about an 1100 rated player, although, LiChess has me rated in the 1300's. It's still not good, but I already know this. :)
If you meant 35... Qh3+ 36. gxh3 Rh1#, the problem is that after 36. Kxh3 black doesn't really have an easy way to force a checkmate. E.g. Rh1+ is handled by Bh2 and Bf5+ by Kh2.

@Jarthdreki said in #1:
> UNLESS someone can point out that sacking the queen doesn't make it a checkmate.
If you asked Stockfish, it would tell you that the position after 36. Qh3+ evaluates as "#10", i.e. a forced checkmate in 10 moves... but for white.
I also got this puzzle wrong today and I'm at 1700 sacking queen , bishop blocks , unlucky xxx king takes queen! Not pawn , rook checks, bishop blocks game over xxx
@mkubecek said in #2:
> If you meant 35... Qh3+ 36. gxh3 Rh1#, the problem is that after 36. Kxh3 black doesn't really have an easy way to force a checkmate. E.g. Rh1+ is handled by Bh2 and Bf5+ by Kh2.
> If you asked Stockfish, it would tell you that the position after 36. Qh3+ evaluates as "#10", i.e. a forced checkmate in 10 moves... but for white.

You're right. I forgot about the bishop being able to block the rooks check. I didn't see it till now. Thank you. Sometimes it just needs pointing out or I need to walk away for a bit and then come back to it. I needed it pointed out to me in this case.
@Jarthdreki said in #4:
> You're right. I forgot about the bishop being able to block the rooks check. I didn't see it till now. Thank you. Sometimes it just needs pointing out or I need to walk away for a bit and then come back to it. I needed it pointed out to me in this case.
If you ever think this about puzzles , 99.9999999999 % you are wrong we've all done it ,I know I have but they've all been checked by fish xxx
Fish check the puzzles? That's appropriate, since I usually flounder when doing puzzles, but I do them anyway, for the halibut.