
Try again error

Hi guys,

For the past while I haven't been able to practice certain variations because LichessTools give a "try again" error of sorts. It started to appear after I tried to adjust the percentage probabilities of lines in the study. I have since removed those adjustments, hoping the problem would disappear, but it is still there. Does anyone happen to know what I might be doing wrong?
It is at a point where I have three variations to choose from (as a player). Could that be the problem? Should I have only one correct move at each point?

Currently I have several variatons at certain points because I want to show myself what positions the wrong moves lead to.
Click the gear next to the chapter and click the red reset button. That fixed it for me.
Hi, @Silver_Surfer ! Do you have Extended Interactive Flow features turned on? Sequential or Spaced Repetition? That's work in progress.

But please let me know how to reproduce your problem, because obviously it needs fixing, even with those features on.

If the features are not on, it's even worse :D Contact me directly any time. I am back from vacation.

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