
Search "user:AlexandeRufus"

77 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - Let's rhyme.#22

Never need a reason, never need a rhyme

Game analysis - My First Ever Smothered Mate!#9

Congrats, I always appreciate when my opponent allows me to play a forced mate instead of resigning.

Game analysis - Pretty Pawn Poke#1

Game analysis - If you're going to play the Scandinavian, don't play like this#1 To be fair to my opponent it was bullet so, yeah moving fast can often make your opponent miss stuff...

Off-Topic Discussion - your mom vs your dad#21

Hmmm, they're both pretty bad at chess but I would have to guess that my dad would let my mom mom I guess.

General Chess Discussion - Boldly Bad Bullet Buddies#5

I would like to clarify I have no interest in improving my bullet skills, I am just intrigued by how much lower rated I am at bullet than at other time controls. I really am just too weak too slow. Al…

General Chess Discussion - Boldly Bad Bullet Buddies#1

I am horrendous at bullet, but mediocre at chess in general. Who else has this problem/blessing/curse? How could I fix this? (If I wanted to, which I don't). Just a stupid thread I created at 3 am whe…

Lichess Feedback - Casual Puzzle System Abuse#5

If people decide to use it in that way, and as a result don't improve, I think that's kind of their own fault...

Game analysis - Perputal check#2

Nice defensive resource. I'm a little surprised that the engine didn't find anything better for black, I mean you are very clearly cramped with an awful bishop with no prospects for counterplay. Oh we…

Game analysis - Weird place for a queen#1

I know it's bullet, but I really wish I could have found a way to keep the queen over in the corner with the king. Oh well, fun little stupid game with lots of mistakes by everyone. I also just realiz…
