
Search "user:KasparovFan123"

15 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Draw determination#5

As @GMScuzzBall points out, the positions after 47. Qf4, 49. Kg2 and 53. Qf4 are identical. Therefore it is a draw by threefold repetition. It is important to note that the repeated positions do not n…

Lichess Feedback - Playing a Younger You!#2

It is similar to the concept of the PlayMagnus app where you can play against a simulation of Magnus Carlsen at various ages in his chess development. However, you are asking for an individualized ver…

General Chess Discussion - is bullet necessary? #4

When I first started solving chess puzzles, I would just play the move that came to my mind right away and I did not take more than maybe a minute to find the solution. I was not really getting better…

Game analysis - why was this game drawn?#2

The game is drawn due to 3 fold repetition. The same position occurs after move 52. Qd1 , move 56. Kh2 and move 58. Qd1. An easy way to see this is to click on those 3 moves in the game notation (rath…

Off-Topic Discussion - I am feeling sleepy when i am thinking rationally. Is this normal ?#2

Think rationally for 59 minutes then start thinking irrationally until you feel alert again. If you are unable to think irrationally on your own then watch some videos about flat earth or anti vaccina…

General Chess Discussion - premoves; two moves in advance?#5

The website allows up to 4 premoves. Its great for pushing an unstoppable pawn down the board in a won endgame with very little time left. GM Susan Polgar talked about the site on comm…

General Chess Discussion - Does sugar hurt your capacity to focus on a chess-game?#13

Yes I have noticed the correlation between consumption of sugar and lowered mental ability. We have all had the situation where you are thinking about something and then something momentarily distract…

Game analysis - I got owned!!!! suspicious....#4

If you are thinking that castling queenside and allowing your kingside pawns to be split and become weak, and having a bad bishop versus a good knight in the endgame a few moves later then I can not t…

Game analysis - This was cool!#6

Yes there were quite a few mistakes but some interesting features at the end. It is quite amazing that even with 2 bishops, white is unable to prevent black from queening after 64... a3. The c3 and c4…

Lichess Feedback - New time mode Hourglass#2

Interesting time mode. The problem is that time is just being exchanged between the players and never really used up so the combined times of the players will always be constant. Therefore games can g…
