
Search "user:Mawk"

4 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Possible to set threshold of people you want to be matched against#6

So now we understand how the completion rate is calculated, why do we have it if it cannot be used in some way? Is this even the place to bring these kind of ideas up with the devs or is this forum ju…

Lichess Feedback - Possible to set threshold of people you want to be matched against#3

Point still stands even however it is calculated, 83% is still abysmal, he's played plenty of games recently in 30 days or 30 games

Lichess Feedback - Possible to set threshold of people you want to be matched against#1

I just played one of many games where an opponent will just leave. In this case who has played 1400 games but only completed 83%. Of course there are reason IRL to aband…

Lichess Feedback - Auto-Switch doesn't work in Correspondance and doesn't toggle.#4

might be that you are not pressing submit (on correspondence) to confirm the move? that setting can be disabled
