
Search "user:googlecash"

90 forum posts
Off-Topic Discussion - **FREE** money#1

To commemorate Biden securing a 16 cent savings on barbecue expenses for every American this year, the U.S. Treasury has announced the minting of a new 16 cent coin featuring Biden's likeness stamped …

Off-Topic Discussion - *DISNEY* Announcement *Statues* are not enough#1

Pulling down statues is just the beginning. The character formerly known as Donald Duck will henceforth be expunged from the Disney family and all its affiliates. The character's new name will be Equi…

Off-Topic Discussion - Warning to July 4 Celebrants#1

Going to see fireworks tonight? According to reports, millions of Americans will be attending 4th of July celebrations today, many of which will feature problematic displays of the American flag and e…

Off-Topic Discussion - **chess club said eggs were soft** song#1

Hold the milk, put back the sugar They are powerless to console We're gathered here to sprinkle ashes From our late friend's cereal bowl Breakfast clubbers, say the motto That he taught us to repeat "…

Off-Topic Discussion - ** freedom from tyranny **#1

That is what July 4th celebrations are all about. Before July 4th, there was no democracy in this world. Think of that. Before July 4th, everyone in the world lived under the command of a King, Queen,…

Off-Topic Discussion - You are ** JUST ** as Good as * Magnus * and I have Proof#1

So like, Eric Rosen is a mediocre IM and he's beaten Magnus online. OK, we know that's true, that's a fact. We also know that chess players ranked lower than Rosen have beaten him. It follows that eve…

Off-Topic Discussion - How to Solve Climate Change - O#1

Just repeat after me: There was a farmer who had a dog, And Bingo was his name-o. B-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-O B-I-N-G-O And Bingo was his name-o. There was a farmer had a dog, And Bingo was his name-o. (clap)…

Off-Topic Discussion - New! Evidence of Climate Change!#1

The nation's energy secretary just announced that the tragic collapse of a condo building in Miami was related to climate change. Some of you (Deniers) don't believe that. Since I always trust the exp…

Off-Topic Discussion - How Many Times Do I Need to explain this to you people????#1

The “action”, S\left(\vec{x}(t)\right), is a function of the path a system takes, \vec{x}(t)=(x_1(t),x_2(t),x_3(t))=(x(t),y(t),z(t)). More specifically, it’s the integral of the Lagrangian between any…

Off-Topic Discussion - New Virus Variant is Deadly -- not a joke#1

Scientists have discovered mounting evidence that a virus that kills the sense of humor escaped from a lab in a college humanities department a few years ago. Originally thought to be a deranged consp…
