
Search "user:intellect44"

45 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Systematic openings#2

I do not think it is good. Even in the London you have to change up what you are doing occasionally. I do not like the London system at all, i find the positions very boring and dry unless they allow …

General Chess Discussion - Openings against 1. d4 (without 2. c4)?#4

2. Bf4 is the London system. You have multiple options, but a great one is 1. d4 Nf6 2. Bf4 d5 3. e3 c5 4. c3 Nc6, you will need more analysis though. Against 2. Nc3 a decent option is 2. ...d5. If wh…

General Chess Discussion - Does this opening trap have a name?#4

Clearly it is a very weak opening trap, Nxf7 is just a blunder nothing special

Game analysis - What would be your candidate move here and why ? Three main options.#7

@wmcmillian said in #5: > Nf5 g6 and the bishop hangs right? Oh yeah free bishop, nvm Nf5 is a great move

Game analysis - What would be your candidate move here and why ? Three main options.#4

My first candidate move was Nf5, but it didn’t look like there was much of a point after g6. Nxe6 also looked pretty pointless compared to Nc6

General Chess Discussion - How to refute 1. e3 in antichess?#3

There’s no way to refute it because it is winning. But most people definitely can’t memorize how to win as white. Just keep playing!

General Chess Discussion - Playing against a cheater#17

@Faster_Than_MyBullet said in #15: > You think you’re tough lol. You are 1200 It is only because I don’t play rapid on lichess almost at all, and I don’t take blitz and bullet seriously. For blitz and…

General Chess Discussion - Playing against a cheater#14

@Faster_Than_MyBullet said in #10: > I just don’t like losing an hour of my time plus losing rating points against someone who is not a better chess player than me. That’s all. If I want to play again…

General Chess Discussion - Can you suggest me a good opening for black against 1.e4?#42

@Anidbn4589 said in #40: > According to my experience, while blocking the c pawn with a piece, you have to be tactically sharp to be able to exploit that piece. > > While bringing the c pawn to fight …

General Chess Discussion - Can you suggest me a good opening for black against 1.e4?#39

@Clearchesser said in #38: > I'm trying to help John Doe here and not a particular Magnus. Thanks for being slightly more precise though. you don’t have to be magnus to know blocking the c pawn in e4 …
