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123 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Women & Chess (& Men) ... again#10


General Chess Discussion - Developing 2...b5 !? in the London!#7

I don't really think that the London System can pose black any serious problem in the main lines where black plays with LSB outside of the pawn chain. I have played hundred of times the position that …

General Chess Discussion - IM Minh Le Obliterates a Titled Arena while Soccer Slowly Fades into Obscurity#31

@kyanite111 said in #30: > you're wrong just accept it. Its soccer. Only barbarians call it football XD Ok, i guess that you at least can speak english and spanish fluently, right? This barbarian, whi…

General Chess Discussion - IM Minh Le Obliterates a Titled Arena while Soccer Slowly Fades into Obscurity#29

@Deadban said in #3: > Thank you so much. Finally truth was spoken. Actually no, if the people who speaks english learn how to speak spanish would understand why is correct to say football and no socc…

General Chess Discussion - Does Playing Old Opening Ideas Work In The 21st century?#23

At the begginer, medium up to expert level as you said, there isn't any opening that wins, lose or draw virtually. Everything is playable, even more, if you know your opening and strategies really wel…

General Chess Discussion - what do 1.c4 English players think of the Symmetrical 1...c5#14

Idk, I think that basically those are questions that you should ask to some serious chessplayers trainers or titled players, I personally don't play the english and don't like to play against it. It d…

General Chess Discussion - what do 1.c4 English players think of the Symmetrical 1...c5#6

Yeah, those details are highly important, because White usually plays in a very hypermodern way. I haven't read the book, it was just a small reference bcs that is probably one of the best books ever …

General Chess Discussion - what do 1.c4 English players think of the Symmetrical 1...c5#4

I read a comment some time ago about this by Mihail Marin in his excellent book series of the English where he says that Black is playing for a draw right from the very first move and unlike the Doubl…

General Chess Discussion - Any tips on how to go from 2000 elo rapid to 2200 ?#6

Recently I've been strugling to get 2300 in blitz and keep the level, also I must to say that i havn't trained or studied nothing since february when I got those 2300 points, BUT, I realized that I'm …

General Chess Discussion - How to train endgames?#7

Foreword by GM Karsten Muller of the book Grandmaster Preparation: Endgame Play by Jacob Aagard. "Every chess player faces the problem of how to study the endgame. Three possible approaches are to ign…
