
Search "user:v64"

10 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Non-recursive check testing#4

Even if your opponent's piece is pinned and can't move, it's still illegal to move the king to a square that the piece could attack if it weren't pinned. The reasoning for this rule is that although t…

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Lichess Feedback - Feature: Game time length#5

Haha, honestly, statistical curiosity. Your player page already contains a similar stat, how many hours you've played on the site overall, so it would be interesting to have that broken down game by g…

Lichess Feedback - Feature: Game time length#3

Hi Chess_Agent, When I say "game time length", I don't mean the time control for the game, but rather how much elapsed time the game actually was. For instance, even though a game may be something lik…

Lichess Feedback - Feature: Game time length#1

On a game page, it shows the time the game started, but it doesn't show what time the game ended or how long the game was. Would it be possible to show those stats?

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