
Lichess v2 is coming

If the black theme works as well, and if i can select the same pieces and board geometry im all for it ~!
The things I value most seem to be preserved or even enhanced, so I'm not worried and in fact look forward to the change. I object to the idea that there is absence of design now, on the contrary your focus on function lead you to good design. Thanks and congratulations for this, to you Thibault and all the people who contributed.
I hope you will fix the problem on the application that when you finish a bullet game, often the screen "play again, share the url, share the PGN" appears much too quickly, which makes us click on it and it makes us leave the application. It happens a lot, and not just to me.
There are many of us here who fled here because v3, and not looking back.

Remember that installing a new browser is not just a software install anymore.
Bookmarks, menus, options, configurations, plugins ... it all changes and need manual work to fix. Changing browser is like installing a new operating system nowadays, you don't want to do it lightly and not for spiffier graphics.

@thibault You're the best dude! This why I donate and stream exclusively on lichess. Thanks for all that you do for making this site the greatest!
Thanks all <3

It's not for "spiffier graphics" @TheBulletTap. It's for supporting mobile devices, which represent way, way more players than the ones stuck on deprecated browsers.

Improved graphic are only a nice side bonus, not the point.
Hi Thibault, thanks for all. I have one suggestion for v2 if you're interested. As a touchscreen user (laptop) with beefy fingers, I have found it excruciatingly difficult to accurately press the > and < buttons (underneath the game database). Could they be slightly increased in size, or even somehow the "touch" portion could be increased/reworked?

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