
Double Elimination Knockout Stage (3+2 CWC 2020)

To be honest @CrazyHome, I got lucky. I need to practice more Crazyhouse, I am missing many tactics, but this is my first Crazyhouse tournament and for now I'm just enjoying. See you. Thanks
Now that the predictions deadline has been reached, predictions have been incorporated directly on the main challonge. You can check at anytime the predictions leaderboard to follow your own score under the "predictions" tab:

Don't forget to also follow the round by round predictions, more on that should follow when the round 1 officially ends.

Thanks again to @JannLee for making this tournament run so smoothly, to active users such as @TheFinnisher and @okei for helping him and Good Luck everyone for your round 2 match! (or round 1 if you haven't played yet)

P.S.: There is now a new feature on the challonge page, you can now retrace every CWC games by hovering your mouse over a specific match and clicking on the "paperclip" icon, then click on the lichess link displayed. This will redirect you to the first game of the chosen match.
Wow thanks Legion.

I play random1004 Wednesday at 2100 UTC

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