
Openings: Catalan

1 • J-Jones •
  1. Intro
  2. Open Catalan, Mainline (Qc2, Classical Line)
  3. Open Catalan, Second Mainline (Ne5)
  4. Open Catalan, Mainline 3
  1. J-Jones

Italian Game as White

3 • Ravenito •
  1. Introduction
  2. Giuoco Piano
  3. Anti-Fried Liver Defence
  4. Paris Defence
  1. Ravenito

Scandinavian Defence as White

3 • Ravenito •
  1. Opening variations
  2. Main line
  3. Valencian Variation
  4. Mieses-Kotroc Variation
  1. Ravenito

Schottisches Gambit

1 • Vale561 •
  1. Chapter 1
  1. Vale561

Positional Queen Sacrifices

3 • ProfessorMarulk •
  1. How much is a queen worth?
  2. Textbook exchange for White
  3. Textbook exchange for Black
  4. Sacrificing the queen to neutralize the attack
  1. ProfessorMarulk

NiveynFernando's Study

2 • NiveynFernando •
  1. Instructions
  2. Draw
  3. e4 Kings pawn
  4. Four knights game
  1. NiveynFernando

Master the English Opening

2 • Isthei •
  1. Understanding the opening
  2. Game 1
  3. Game 2
  4. Game 3
  1. Isthei

Abhiramkkunnath's Study in Giuoco Piano: Giuoco Pianissimo Variation

1 • Abhiramkkunnath •
  1. Intro
  2. Chapter 2
  1. sandeep1409
  2. Abhiramkkunnath


1 • JSR192009 •
  1. Fischer, R. - Shocron, G.
  2. Fischer, R. - Keres, P.
  3. Fischer, R. - Unzicker, W.
  4. Fischer, R. - Geller, E.
  1. JSR192009


1 • JSR192009 •
  2. Sikora Lerch - Kilmus
  3. Lane - Henris
  4. Nunn - Murey
  1. JSR192009
  2. Hyper_Bullet

WIN with 1. f4! | Bird Opening

500 • Bosburp •
  1. Introduction
  2. The Usual Setup
  3. Section 1: Dutch Variation 1...d5
  4. Dutch Variation: 2...c5 Massive Attack!
  1. Bosburp


3 • TarouChess •
  1. Intro
  2. Open Catalan, Mainline (Qc2, Classical Line)
  3. Open Catalan, Open Defense (mainline)
  1. TarouChess

The Powerful Catalan

3 • JSR192009 •
  1. Chapter 1 - Queen's Indian Style
  2. Chapter 2 - Tarrasch Style
  3. Chapter 3 - Triangle Set-Up
  4. Chapter 4 - Bishop Check
  1. JSR192009

Queen's Gambit | Full Repertoire

895 • Bosburp •
  1. Introduction
  2. Section 1: Queen's Gambit Accepted
  3. QGA: Rosenthal Defense 3...e6
  4. QGA: Classical Defense 3...Nf6-4...e6-5...c5
  1. Bosburp

Ultimate Guide - Danish Gambit

12 • lexamuray2022 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Main Opening Ideas
  3. Goodbye my dear
  4. Poisoned Pawn
  1. lexamuray2022

The Italian with Evans Gambit and Fried Liver! (1. e4 repertoire)

99 • Chess16723 •
  1. Introduction
  2. Part 1: Evans Gambit (3... Bc5 4. b4)
  3. 5... Ba5, Pierce Defense, 7... dxc3?!
  4. 5... Ba5, Pierce Defense, 7... Nge7
  1. Peng_Dehuai1898-1974
  2. Chess16723