
AlphaZero testing new chess rules

@tpr Classical World Championship 12 draws in 12 games: thanks to "blunders" (or missed wins) from both sides in several games!
It would be nice if we could try some of the variants here at lichess ;)
You can try no cattling chess: just agree not to castle.
You can try stalemate = win chess, just agree to count stalemate as a win.
The chessboard needs to be longer, not wider.
So add two extra rows to the chessboard and the openings have all changed, without changing the layout of the chess pieces.

It will give time for both sides to develop.
The opening pawn structures will change. There could be more over extended pawns, which will be harder to protect.
General chess principles will remain, but the old opening books will no longer apply.

New opening books will need to be created and since engines can create them faster than humans, we will be learning from the engines. Coaches will only be able to coach chess principles, the rest will come from artificial intelligence.

Sooner or later, AI software will generate chess principles that we can read and apply.

The following posiiton shows that if you have less space between the pieces white should always win. So this is why you want to add even more rows. To create even more space between Black and White.
At a depth of 29/99 there is about +7.1 advantage for the best first white move and +6.7, +6.5, +4.4, +4.3 for the other main lines.

The first main line moves starts with 1 Nxc5+ Kf7 2. Nxf5 3. ...
The move proves, that we should play in a way to keep the pressure until the time is ripe.
In Grand Chess which uses a 10 x 10 board...the piece set is moved up two rows. So you’re essentially playing on an 8x8 board but the larger board allows the pieces to move sideways and backwards. Something which isn’t possible on an 8x8 board. I think this simple change of the board opens up new possibilities. So if you want to play your still can but it allows you to think of new ways of playing the pieces. Being able to move the rooks backward or sideways on a 10x10 board would do wonders for chess. Entirely new openings can be created with this simple board change. And that’s with making the board two squares wider on all sides.
It has extra pieces and pawn. Maybe just changing the chessboard would do for Lichess.
That way the game does not change too much, but evolves more slowly, justifying the reason to use the 10x10 chessboard.

I would leave on empty row on the bottom of the white pieces and on the bottom of the Black pieces. This way there is two extra rows for the opening phase and it would probable remove most openings invented up to date because of the extra rows. Quick school checkmates like the Fool's mate, the Smothered mate and some opening Checkmating patterns will need to be reviewed.
Yeah we are all tired from boring draws in 99% of our games. Let's make the new chess. Applying normal chess rules on 10x10 board is the simplest way. Throw away opening books. We can also play on a 8 x 12 square board. The pawn can promote on 10, 11 and 12 rank. I think 8x10 is too small in the view of a pawn moving 3 squares in the first move. So yeah, 8x12 or maybe 8x16 board. Which is better? That's a task for the AI. Alternatively we can play Capablanca Chess. It doesn't matter that Fischer said this is too diffcult. Who cares, right?
Maybe a chess engine can be used to test out the 10x10 chessboard idea using only the regular chess pieces.
Nice to know that there already are 10x10 chessboards.

All I need now is an OTB chess player or a website I can play chess on a 10x10 chessboard.
Even better would be having a chess engine test out the game and build the rules.

Because I saw the name on the chessboards of the above link, I then did a search and found this site.
To eliminate draws, just reset the pieces and start again with reversed colours, using the time left on each player's clock (maybe with a minimum of 5 minutes). This is how draws are eliminated in shogi, for example. The system works well there, even in world championship matches.
Somebody needs to be alert and use the opportunity to ask Carlsen what he thinks of the Kramnik experiment. It’s interesting he’s being very quiet about it and not saying anything one way or the other. Something tells me he’s well aware of the Kramnik experiment with the self capture idea. This idea alone would do wonders for the opening. Can you imagine the rook taking it’s own pawn on h2 and suddenly the rook is free to become a monster early in the game? This would do wonders for chess and pawns being able to move backwards. No more worries about weakening the kingside. And mating attacks become more difficult because the king gets to capture his own pieces that prevents it from escaping. It’s King Richard the Third “my kingdom for a pawn”. I’d love to hear what GM Peter Svidler thinks of all this.

To the Lichess moderators and programmers....would it be that difficult to allow self capture as a variant on this forum to test these new exciting ideas?

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