
Feeling like a proper chess player

Hi, at what time controls do you feel like your chess at its best

Personally, i really like to play against level 6 at no time controls or 90+30... at that time controls my chess comes together and i make the best moves i know.

Blitz is like too fast for me and i dont really get to enjoy the beauty of a position and analyse all the little nuances...
Which i i believe is the real beauty of chess,to understand th eposition and act accordingly.
I already managed to get into trouble in 60+30 and 45+45 multiple times, 90+30 sounds cool... but even harder to reserve time and find an opponent. This Sunday I'm going to play the "big guys time control" (90 minutes for 40 moves, 30 minutes for the rest, increment 30 seconds per move from the start) for the first time (OTB), I'm really looking forward to the experience.
@Benjamin87 said in #1:
> Hi, at what time controls do you feel like your chess at its best.

I play bad chess regardless of the time control but If I have to choose then it has to be bullet. Playing bullet doesn’t give me enough time to think about how bad the moves I am making.
Rapid time control: Try initial time of 1.5 minutes with a 15-second increment per move.
[Event "Rated rapid game"]
[Variant "Standard"]
[TimeControl "90+15"]

It took about 15 minutes to finish the game. I should have played my opening a bit faster, to give my middle game more time. It would be better if the clocks would auto reset every 4 to 8 moves. That way the clock would not really interfere with the game in progress. It would only be trying to maintain a desirable pace for the game.

Since it does not reset, we should get 1⁄4 point for saving time in drawn games. A draw might have more or less value depending on how much time was used. This would be great for drawn results.

Look at the move time and how it changed during the phases of the game:
@WRPeter said in #5:
> That rating is good!!
In light of the possibility that you may be referring to me - thank you. There was a time when I worked on my chess a lot.
I prefer 15/10. Enough to finish without wasting a day on 90/30. Now that my game feels solid I feel less time to play at this time control. However I will admit that I I lose on time pressure a lot so 30/5 might suit me best.

Tactically I feel very solid on 1/0 and 2/1
3+0 when I play casually online.
15+0 in tournaments.

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