
Re: Bobby Fischer

This thread appears to be inspired from a previous thread that was closed after an argument involving the OP arose about Fischer's less admirable qualities. As positive as the original post may be, it seems that it is a subtle form of trolling to get a rise out of people who were offended by Fischer's views and remarks later in life. That said, I agree, Fischer was really good at chess and he was a human being.
The reason i made this thread was that i wanted to pay homage to an great chess player and (in my opinion) great personality. I personally find it loathsome that people defame a dead man, calling him "crazy" and "lunatic" and so on, particularly as it happens without any proof.

So there you go, you happy?
Fischer, after hearing about the 9/11 attacks: "This is all wonderful news. I want to see the US wiped out."
Seems like fairly solid proof that he was sanity challenged.
Yes, of course, i forgot that america is the saint of the world. America has killed many more people.
Since you seem to be in favor of that sort of thing, perhaps you're a bit of a lunatic yourself.
Yes, you're right, i don't support americas killing. If that makes me lunatic, then so be it...
@chesseater78 "I personally find it loathsome that people defame a dead man"

That's a deeply heartfelt sentiment. But don't fret. At least his detractors are not celebrating thousands of people dying.
And if you support...well, that's your call, i have nothing further to say. So long, worshipper.
Perhaps not, but many of them are actively supporting americas killing, either indrectly or directly. So see for yourself...
Are his detractors not celebrating thousands (or rather hundreds of thousands) of victims of the "benevolent" US invasions in Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Syria, Libya, and so on?

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