
Which is more popular, the King's Indian Defense or the Nimzo-Indian Defense?

I mean, both openings stood the test of time and are played regularly, which is "most popular" depends on country, time and players level.
I think the KID seeks to apply the hypermodern principle of controlling the center from the flanks
I'd say it's pretty much of a dead heat (it's like debating low pair vs 2 high cards in Hold Em).
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@Triangel Not sure if you know what you're talking about. The KID is far more popular than the Nimzo by every metric
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Nice user name @Shrekmated!
If you compare the relative strength of the openings you could conclude that the KID is more popular.
3.Nf3 is also prominent like this because of the Nimzo being so strong and still being open to blacks interpretation and if there was only Nc3 on move three then the NID would blow everything else out of the water. If there was no preperation against 3.Nf3 I would pick it up immediatly, it's just that good.

The KID is extremely popular whilst being far less solid of a choice and being way less forgiving. It is the classical aggressively minded counterattack against 1.d4! Computer age brought the Grunfeld more to the forefront and professionals need to consider those things but i remember fondly playing through Kasparov's games and being smitten with his handling of the dynamics in the KID. In my book it's just as iconic as the Sicilian. The King's Indian being used by Fischer AND Kasparov to dismantle their opponents is the ultimate approval.
In amateur range we have the beautiful choice not to disregard an opening because of deficits that have been pointed out on on the highest level of 'chess science'. I think this is seen in the representation of KID games in our database.

Some years ago I read a beautiful quote about Kramnik, famous destroyer of KID's, regarding his opening play: "...he likes this convenience. He likes to comfortably control a spacious Mercedes on the highway..." He was the king of the Catalan back then and was getting a little lazy on the black side, where he couldn't take that many liberties. Well, why should anyone ride a motorbike when there is a perfectly fine Mercedes available?!
Because it's beautiful :)

Volvo drivers might enjoy the SLAV and Mercedes fans might choose the NIMZO, but this doesn't matter at all to anyone who's enjoying the ride and feeling the road under his butt in the King's Indian ;)
@Sarg0n Chuck Norris is so badass with his KID - that I went 1.d4 against him, and he announced a forced mate in five - before even completing his fianchetto.

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