
AlphaZero testing new chess rules

GM Daniel King posted a YouTube video (sorry I don't have the link) explaining that Alpha Zero is being used to test out new ideas for chess to see new ways to saving the game from draw death.

One new idea being tested is the concept of self capturing your own pawns to accelerate the attack on the opposing king. He shows an example of this where there are games when one's own pawns block up the attacking paths to the enemy king.

In the experiment Black captures it's own pawn to bring the rook into the attack against the White king. Another one shows the White King capturing it's own pawns to make it possible to get at the black king.

These are experimental tests being run by AlphaZero to use the processing power of the computer to finding new ways to play the game of chess by creating it's own chess variants and testing their viability. Some of these new ideas could be used in the future for chess. Other ideas are also cropping up like Kramnik's no castling rule. Somebody mentioned the idea of changing the queen's powers from rook and bishop to that of an archbishop - that of a bishop and knight similar to Capablanca's idea of introducing the Marshall and the Chancellor.
And there died the smothered mate. Sad.
I would love to have self capture chess being implemented on lichess !!
@Leek_Wars According to the diagrams on page 7, the improvement of the win/draw ratio is not clear, except for the Torpedo variant.
The problem isn’t that the chess rules are too limiting the issue is opening theory itself. No matter what rules they change opening theory will simply develop using the new rules and we’re all back into the same problem of draw death. The issue is the board itself is symmetrical meaning no matter what with perfect play from both sides the end result mathematically will be a draw at some point down the line. The only way to save chess is to imbalance the board making it impossible for one side with perfect play to get a draw. Both sides shouldn’t have equally powered pieces for example compensated by allowing one side some added ability to counter. Plus both sides should be able to add pieces to the board but aren’t required to play the game but be at the discretion of the player. Then draw death can be dealt with because such a change would make it impossible for opening theory to address players who don’t use certain pieces in situations where opening theory suggests them.
If current chess rules were causing "draw death" Kramnik wouldn't quit because of losing more games than he expected.
I don't think draws are a problem. Carlse has more points than people who can nearly beat everyone. Why are draws even bad? Why would upcomer gms study chess if they thought it were a problem, why would keymer study chess, or sarin? Its idiotic

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