
Search "user:Botchwinnik"

104 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Do cheaters not know that they're flagged?#17

Why should a player starting here a few days ago as patron, real name given and a real life national rating of 1650 ( about 1850 elo), well known in his club and city, soil his reputation with cheatin…

Lichess Feedback - 2 bishops: insufficient material?#5

You can mate with two bishops from any given position within 19 moves. Looks like you lack basic skills.

General Chess Discussion - Differences between 2000 and 2100-2200#11

There is no real difference between a 2000 and a 2100/2200 player. The normal swing between low/high rating is at least 100 rating points.

General Chess Discussion - Why Do People Cheat?#7

Cheats lack self respect.

General Chess Discussion - Whats the minimun, centi-pawn loss you have ever got in a game?#23

@NascentLisiansky I noticed my error, looks like I was blinded by the 0 Blunders ;-) , but I am pretty sure I have some zero BLunder/Inaccuracy/CPL games in my history. But that was only possible, bec…

General Chess Discussion - Whats the minimun, centi-pawn loss you have ever got in a game?#21

Pretty hard to find old games with cpl 0, but here is one with a cpl lower than 10, that might give you an idea, how to get to zero

General Chess Discussion - Whats the minimun, centi-pawn loss you have ever got in a game?#7

I have a few games with cpl of zero. No biggie, if your opponent blunders a piece or even the queen in the opening. Then any sensible move which secures the advantage will keep the cpl at zero.

General Chess Discussion - İs 2471 lichess rating good for playing chess 3 years#29

Amazing to play on a server, where 1540 elo play like a FM with 2300. No wonder, I lose so much.

Lichess Feedback - Häufigste Gegner#4

@Cedur216 ich vermute, dass LiChess aus Kapazitätsgründen die entsprechende Datenbank auf eine handhabbare Größe beschränkt

Lichess Feedback - Häufigste Gegner#2

Wird aktualisiert.
