
Search "user:Shrekmated"

9 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Solid responses for black to 1. d4?#8

The flamingo. Trade off your dark square bishop and put your pawns on dark squares.

General Chess Discussion - Open Sicilian Refuted!?#9

@Sarg0n Haha. He did actually say that, but I posted this only as an example of engines giving bad evals to good positions. For all who are reading this, no, I don't believe white is worse in the open…

General Chess Discussion - Open Sicilian Refuted!?#1 At depth 42 of the Nc6 sicilian, stockfish gives cxd4 an evaluation of -0.3, despite being the main line. Jokes aside, does anyone know why this happens? Is…

General Chess Discussion - Which is more popular, the King's Indian Defense or the Nimzo-Indian Defense?#6

Right, but in the first case, 3.Nf3 is not a Nimzo Indian, while in the second case it is still possibly a King's Indian Defense. So based on your data so far, which one would you say has been played …

General Chess Discussion - Which is more popular, the King's Indian Defense or the Nimzo-Indian Defense?#3

That suggests that the Nimzo is more popular. The thing is, white doesn't have to play 3. Nc3 against 2...g6. We could also expand this question to include whatever Nimzo players play against 3. Nf3 (…

General Chess Discussion - Which is more popular, the King's Indian Defense or the Nimzo-Indian Defense?#1

After 1. d4 Nf6 2. c4, 2...e6 is more common than g6. However, 2...e6 includes transpositions into the Queen's Gambit Declined, which complicates matters. Likewise, 2...g6 possibly includes the Grunfe…

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Lichess Feedback - Vote chess?#11

Yes, I think vote chess would be great!

Lichess Feedback - Bughouse chess!#1

Probably the most popular (and the most fun!) chess variant that isn't on lichess yet. Here's a wiki description: Here's a video of top GM's playing it:htt…
