
Mobile App Alpha


After a game I requested computer analysis and it worked nicely. Some time later I tried to request computer analysis for another game, but popup mentioned that

"You already have an ongoing requested analysis. Please wait for it to finish before starting a new one"

Not sure how I can close the ongoing analysis from the app.

- phone OS: Android 13
Played some 3+0 there without signing in, app crashed 3 times so far mid-game. Basically, the board gets stuck and stops responding. No response at all on the whole screen and suddenly it crashes.

Android 13
One more thing, the mysterious connection issue that I have been facing on lichess since past 2-3 months is present in the app too. Basically every other site works fine, but lichess lags or just keeps reconnecting every 10 seconds or so.

Android 13
One more issue found: Enabling "Jump to next puzzle immediately" doesn't do anything and I still have to click on the play button to go to the next puzzle

Android 13
Love the new UI, but 3+0 became unplayable for me unfortunately because the moves are hard to get registered. I often have to press the destination square several times for the move to be played, and when it works it feels like there’s a delay before it does, eating some of my time on every move. Like some kind of input lag or something, it’s weird. Signal is perfect.

Also, I no longer have sound on the original app, despite turning off Silent Mode. Been happening since before I tried the new TestFlight version.

15 pro max, iOS 17.4
how are alpha testers expected to track the found issues? Is there defect tracking in the git repo?
Hi, when watching TV I can choose between bullet, blitz, rapid etc but I can’t see the time control, is it intentional? It would be nice to see it
I have an iPhone xr iOS 17.2.1
When making a custom game in rating range it is only possible to go down to +/-50. In normal app and in the Webbrowser it is possible to go down to 0 with one of the sliders at a time

Android 11
@JackSilver said in #9:
> Frozen puzzle after first valid move.
> Android 14 Pixel 7a

Started me on the same puzzle today and it worked fine. Not sure if deterministic. App looks great!
After finishing a puzzle storm run in the app, I checked the puzzles I failed from the list and clicked on "check the solution". This caused it to be recorded as a missed puzzle (as in a missed puzzle in the regular puzzle area - not puzzle storm ) and points deducted from my puzzle rating. This doesn't happen on the website

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