
Search "user:glasstrekkersage"

20 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Lichess' Mastodon account keeps reposting old posts#1

I'm guessing it's a bug/error with TwitterRelay. Every so often it will just repost a bunch of old posts.

General Chess Discussion - Charity? Non-profit? No profit?#17

And thank you for not requiring an email confession for cheaters to create a new account under the pretense of privacy and then singling out and leaking an individual's emails to a publication at an o…

General Chess Discussion - Chess dot com buying Pay Magnus Group!#21

@ChessYang said in #20: > Lichess may end up being chess. Com acquisition? yes, gavin belson is acquiring lichess without doing due diligence and will inherit a userbase full of minors. each chess gam…

General Chess Discussion - Candidates Day Ten: Maybe Second Place Isn't So Bad.#10

Maxime Vachier-Lagrave

General Chess Discussion - Fat Fritz is not the Only Ripoff and now ChessBase is Getting Sued#68

Sad to see the chess world affected by these kinds of infringements. On the other hand, the lawsuit and the help of articles like these, serve as amazing opportunities to educate users about software …

General Chess Discussion - Any tips on how to get out of ‘tilt’ mode#10

I only really get tilted (lose a lot of games / play well below my normal level) when I haven't gotten enough sleep. My only real advice (often to myself) is get more sleep, eat, and/or take a long br…

General Chess Discussion - Fat Fritz 2 is a rip-off#170

getem thibault!

General Chess Discussion - Chess Maxims / Sayings / Phrases#6

"loose pieces drop off"

General Chess Discussion - Chess Maxims / Sayings / Phrases#1

Is there a place where these are collected? (If not, would this thread be good?) sayings that are generally true, or just catch phrases of strategy like: "Don't move the same piece twice in the openin…

General Chess Discussion - Lichess has an Instagram account!#162

+1 for pixelfed btw, if you don't have an IG account (like me), you can use a bibliogram instance to view: there are unreliable cloud instances…
