
What are the chances that they are cheating?

@Goldenstaedt **Just drop the attitude**. You can assume that almost all players are honest, that subtle things like using opening books have no significant advantage, and that any kind of cheating with a significant impact on the game is reliably detected.
@Goldenstaedt said in #6:
> laying the position on the screen out on a physical board perfectly fine.

> playing out the variations before making your move
...would be cheating.
@AuraZ0 said in #9:
> i'm not sure, as maybe drinking water while playing is considered cheating in your book
That's a good point. I agree with you.
In my opinion, it's up to lichess to decide whether who's cheating and who's not. It's our duty to play fair chess not to go against the lichess policies.
It says that Cricket is a sport of gentlemen's. but I think it can be said to any sport including chess.
In my opinion, clear cheaters are running around the site left and right, and Lichess cannot do much about it.

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